The Sauerweingut

The Sauerweingut is located in the most beautiful district of Salzburg. It was built in the 17th century. It has been renovated extensively till March 2018 in many hours and a lots of effort. Within a 8 minute walk, away from busy streets, you will reach the famous Getreidegasse. The Leopoldskroner public outdoor pool with many attractions is just across the street. The Sound of Music Tour passes our residence direction to the idyllic lake “Leopoldskroner Weiher” which was the main scene of the same named Movie “Sound of Music”. This area is only 450 m away. This place is the place for many people in Salzburg to relax and calm down after work.


Leopoldskronstrasse 35
5020 Salzburg Stadt

+43 (0)6645452434
office (at)


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4 Accommodations (ca. 1000 m)

9 Bars, Restaurants, Cafés (ca. 1-2 km)