
As a theater, the Schauspielhaus Salzburg is self-determined and politically independent. The legal entity is a non-profit association, funded by the City and Province of Salzburg and the Federal Chancellery for Art and Culture.

Our core competence is acting. The basis of our artistic work is a continuously active and developing ensemble. This also includes the training of young actors and actresses, which is directly linked to the theater operations.

In terms of the number of in-house productions, the amount of self-financing, the number of employees and the audience frequency, we are one of the largest independent theaters in the German-speaking world.

All this makes the Schauspielhaus Salzburg an independent model, which we are constantly developing.
Our goals

The Schauspielhaus Salzburg sees itself as part of a lively cultural landscape, as a place in the middle of society, as a forum for artists and audiences to engage with the elementary questions of human existence.

For us, making theater is an act of resistance against the loss of education, the de-democratization of society and the increasing commercialization of the world.

As an arts organization, we take responsibility for the future. Both the high-quality, practical training of young artists and the cultural and social education of young audiences are central concerns for us. 

We combine high artistic standards with openness in our program and style. In this way, we open up a variety of approaches to our work for the public.
Our Values 

The Schauspielhaus Salzburg is committed to a culture of motivation, appreciation and tolerance.

We build on open and fearless communication in our dealings with each other and rely on the interaction of independent as well as team-oriented employees. We are all united by a strong sense of responsibility for the company as a whole.

Together, we meet the expectations of the audience, the economic pressure and the demands on ourselves. This is what we stand for.

This mission statement was developed jointly by the employees and the management in a process lasting several months and unanimously adopted by the supporting association of the Schauspielhaus Salzburg at the general assembly on May 4, 2013.


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