3 Stars
Hotel Plainbrücke

Your satisfaction is important to us! As a guest of the Hotel Plainbrücke you are a friend of the house. You deserve the extraordinary commitment of Birgit and Karin Schweiger and their team. The hotel is run with attention to detail so that you can quickly leave your everyday life behind and feel at home with us.

Hotel Plainbrücke

Itzlinger Hauptstrasse 91
5020 Salzburg Stadt

+43 (0)662451728
hotel (at) plainbruecke.at


* Privacy Policy

I agree that my data will be stored for the purpose of information exchange. We expressly declare that we will not share your data with third parties. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy

I can arrange a deletion of my data at any time at Salzburger Kulturinformation, kontakt@salzburg-erleben.at.

52 Accommodations (ca. 3-4 km)